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Dynamics 365 integrations

Top Dynamics 365 integrations you need to know about

If you’ve clicked on this blog, Dynamics 365 probably needs no introduction – you’ll likely already be familiar with how its powerful suite of business applications combine CRM and ERP capabilities to help organisations manage their customer relationships, streamline operations, and drive business growth.  

Dynamics 365 integrations

The future of outsourced IT support: top trends to look out for

Let’s face it – IT support has a bit of a reputation. People tend to think of it as the place you call when your computer starts making weird noises or your printer decides it’s on strike.

Axon IT culture

Who on Earth are we? Our Axon culture

At Axon, we believe in providing our clients with transformational technology – just the way they need it. With over 20 years of experience under our belt, we usually know what we’re talking about! 

Microsoft Copilot features

Microsoft Copilot: top 10 useful features

Microsoft’s new AI assistant, Copilot, is transforming the way we interact with the tech giant’s extensive suite of software.  

Manage passwords

Cyber security 101: how to create (and remember) unbreakable passwords

Has your business ever used a password like ‘admin’, ‘123456’ or ‘password1’? If you’re still using basic passwords like these, you seriously need to step up your cyber security game.

Dynamics 365 features

Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM: top 10 underrated features

When it comes to CRM systems, Microsoft Dynamics 365 is the gold standard – it’s versatile and packed with useful features.  

IT outsourcing

How to get the most out of your outsourced IT support

Outsourced IT support can be a huge asset for SMEs, allowing you to tap into specialised expertise, reduce costs, and focus on what you truly do best.  

Office 365 migration

Office 365 migration: tips for a smooth switchover

If your business is making the switch to Office 365, congrats! You’re about to unlock a world of enhanced collaboration, top-notch security, and boosted productivity.

B2B cyber security

Five simple ways to boost your business’s cyber security

Cyber attacks are on the rise, and that’s bad news for businesses. Data breaches increased by 72% between 2021 and 2023, according to Forbes, with every data breach costing over £3.5 million on average.  

Copilot Microsoft Teams

How does Copilot work in Microsoft Teams?

Does your organisation use Microsoft Teams? A massive 90% of UK businesses have opted for Teams as their primary collaboration tool.  

Dynamics CRM AI

Unlocking the power of AI with Dynamics 365

If you want a simple, tried and tested CRM for your SME, Microsoft Dynamics 365 is our pick. Microsoft’s powerful customer relationship management solution offers a huge array of tools and functionalities to take your CRM game to the next level.

Cloud to cloud Office 365 backup

Microsoft 365 backup: your questions answered

Did you know that Microsoft 365 doesn’t automatically back up your data?  

Copilot cyber security

Microsoft Copilot: your cyber security secret weapon

Microsoft Copilot is here, and businesses all over the world are currently getting to grips with its range of features, which promise to unlock the full potential of AI tech in the workplace.  

Microsoft Teams best features

Microsoft Teams: 10 underrated features

If you’ve worked remotely at any point, chances are you’ve already been using Microsoft Teams to communicate and collaborate with your team.

Microsoft Copilot webinar

An introduction to Microsoft Copilot: transforming work with AI

The latest AI assistant is set to transform the way businesses operate, making a huge array of tasks more efficient and data-driven, as well as boosting creativity. It’s been described as a far more modern and useful version of the old-school Microsoft assistant, Clippy!  

Microsoft 365 vs Google Workspace

Microsoft 365 vs Google Workspace: which productivity suite is right for you?

When you’re running a business, it can sometimes feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day! To stay competitive and provide the best service to customers, productivity is key, and having the right tools at your disposal can make or break your business.  

Microsoft Teams best features

Data backup in Microsoft 365: what you need to know

If you use Microsoft 365, it’s easy to assume that your data is stored safe and sound somewhere within the huge Microsoft ecosystem. But the truth is, relying solely on Microsoft 365 for data security can be a risky business.

Phishing red flags

How to spot a phishing email: seven red flags to look out for

We’ve all received spam emails, but do you know just how many spam emails there are? On average, 162 billion spam emails are sent every single day – that means almost half of all emails are spam!  

Microsoft 365 vs Google Workspace

Dynamics vs Salesforce: which CRM is right for your business?

When it comes to Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Salesforce are the two undisputed champions. 

Copilot productivity

How to boost your productivity with Microsoft 365 Copilot

Microsoft 365 Copilot is the latest AI marvel from Microsoft, designed to revolutionise productivity and streamline operations for businesses in almost any industry.

Teams vs Slack

Microsoft Teams vs Slack: which is right for your business?

If you’re looking to upgrade your business’s collaboration tools, chances are the same two names keep coming up – Teams and Slack. 

Dynamics CRM tips

Dynamics CRM: Top 10 tips and tricks

Are you getting the most out of Dynamics CRM? Microsoft’s powerful customer relationship management solution offers a huge array of tools and functionalities to take your customer relationship management game to the next level.

Cyber security awareness

The human factor in cyber security: Employee training and awareness

Cyber security can sometimes feel like a giant cat and mouse game, with new threats and defences constantly emerging. But as technology continues to advance, one crucial factor always remains the same – us!

PSTN switch off

What is the PSTN switch off? Why you should switch to Teams before it’s too late

The UK’s Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) is scheduled to be switched off next year – what does this mean for businesses?

Email security phishing

Email security: How to protect your inbox from phishing scams

Did you know that an astonishing 300 billion emails are sent every single day? With such an abundance of communication constantly flying through our inboxes, most people receive their fair share of spam, scams and malicious emails trying to gain access to our data.

Cyber security awareness

Security in Microsoft Teams: How to keep your data safe

Microsoft Teams has got the whole package to take your collaboration to the next level, so it’s no wonder that over 90% of UK businesses use Teams in their day-to-day operations.

Cyber security threats 2024

Cyber security threats in 2024: How can businesses stay protected?

With 2024 now in full swing, the digital landscape remains as exciting as ever, with new technologies and developments around every corner. However, it wouldn’t be the tech world without a few challenges thrown our way.

Dynamics CRM customise

How to customise Dynamics CRM for your business needs

In all kinds of industries, many businesses are waking up to the benefits of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Microsoft Teams productivity

Microsoft Teams: Top tips for remote work productivity

With the pandemic now a thing of the past (fingers crossed) it’s clear that in many industries, remote work is here to stay.

What does Microsoft Copilot do

What can Microsoft 365’s AI Copilot do?

It’s the big tech news that everyone is talking about right now – Microsoft has released its latest AI marvel, Microsoft 365 Copilot.

2024 IT trends

Top IT and tech trends for 2024

IT is one of the most competitive and fastest evolving industries out there, and savvy businesses know that staying ahead of the curve when it comes to new technologies and ways of working is crucial for success. 

Outsourced IT savings

The benefits of outsourcing IT: Cost savings and beyond

Finding that winning edge in business often means using specialised expertise to make sure everything you do stays cutting-edge. One industry where businesses are increasingly turning to external help is IT.  

Office 365 features

Collaborative work with Office 365: Features you shouldn’t miss

Effective collaboration is one of the cornerstones of success for any modern business. Office 365, a suite of productivity tools designed to empower teams and streamline workflows, has emerged at the forefront when it comes to supercharging your teamwork and boosting your business’s efficiency.

Phishing prevention

Phishing prevention for businesses: Best practices and tools

In today’s digitally driven business landscape, where information is the new currency, cyber security has become a top priority for organisations worldwide. One of the most prevalent cyber threats facing businesses today is phishing attacks.

Dynamics customer relationships

Maximising customer relationships with Dynamics CRM

Maintaining strong and meaningful relationships with customers is a top priority for all kinds of businesses. As customer demands continue to evolve, tech is playing a growing role in how businesses enhance customer engagement and satisfaction.  

Microsoft Teams workflow

How to integrate Microsoft Teams into your workflow

With remote work and virtual offices becoming increasingly common, having the right tools in place is crucial to get your team working at their best.  

Dynamics sales solutions thumbnail

Never miss a sales lead again with Dynamics CRM

We all know how essential it is to keep our sales processes firing on all cylinders, but let’s face it, that’s often easier said than done! It’s time to shed some light on the most common sales problems faced by businesses and how Microsoft Dynamics CRM can help fix them.

Ransomware attacks

Ransomware attacks: How to prevent and respond

Since the WannaCry outbreak in 2017, ransomware attacks have been on the rise. This further increased during the Covid pandemic, as the shift to remote work left businesses with gaps in their cyber security. 

Outsourced IT advantages

Outsourced IT vs in-house IT: Which is right for your business?

For businesses of all sizes, making the right decision about how to manage your IT needs is crucial. Many companies face the ongoing dilemma of whether to outsource their IT operations or maintain an in-house IT team.

Ready to chat about transforming your technology?

Contact us to see how we can help.